More on Windows
Windows is an operating system. An operating system is a system software that acts as an interface between the hardware and the user.
On switching the computer, windows runs automatically and displays the version of the windows it is using, like Windows XP, Windows 7, etc. Then a final screen appears called the Desktop.
Understanding the Desktop
The desktop is the workspace area of the computer. It has several components as listed below:
This is the long bar that spans at the button of the desktop. It contains Start button, System tray and Active applications.
Start Button: This is the most important button on the taskbar. When this button is clicked, a menu appears displaying the major options to use Windows. This menu is knows as Start Menu.
System Tray: It is a tool for system tray notifications. It shows icons like Volume control, Clock, etc.
This is the background image of the desktop.
Mouse Pointer
It is a small arrow on screen. When the mouse is moved, the pointer moves with it in the same direction.
The small Pictures on the desktop are referred to as Icons. Each icon on the desktop represents a program such as My Computer, My Document, Recycle Bin, etc.
Let us learn about each of these icons in detail.
My Computer icon
My Computer on desktop helps to view the following:
- All the drives present on the computer.
- All resources attached to the computer.
- All files and folders of the computer.
Let us learn what is the difference between a File and Folder.
File: Any document or program created and saved in computer is called a File.
Folder: A group of files can be stored under a common name called Folder.
A folder can be given any name.
When My Computer icon is double clicked, a window appears as shown.
Shared Documents Icon
This icon comes as part of the "Files stored on this computer'. This folder contains files and folders shared between users of this computer.
Hard Disk Icon
This shows the Hard Disk of the Computer. We can double click on this icon to see the contents of the disk.
CD Drive Icon
This icon is used to interact with CD. We can see the contents of the CD by double clicking on it.
My Documents Icon
It displays all the documents that have been created and saved on the computer. When we double click on My Documents icon, a screen will appear as shown below:
my document |
Here, we can double click on any file or folder to open it.
My Network Places Icon
This shows shortcuts to network computers and enables to access the computer resources available through the network.
Recycle Bin Icon
This contains the files and folder that have been deleted. It is a temporary storage area for all deleted items. Once we delete the file from recycle bin, we never get them back on the computer.
A file or folder can be easily deleted from computer, the steps are:
Step 1: Select the file or folder to be deleted.
Step 2: Press the Delete Key.
Internet Explorer Icon
internet explorer |
This connects to the Internet. If Internet connection is available in the computer, just by double clicking on this icon the net can be used.
The All Programs Menu
On clicking the Start button present on the taskbar, the Start Menu appears.
This menu contains a list of programs that help to work with windows.
All program menu |
The Accessories Menu
This is one of the options in All Programs menu. On placing the mouse pointer on it, another menu appears. This menu is called the Accessories Menu. It contains tools and programs that help the user to work.
Date and Time on Computer
The computer has its own Clock and Calendar. The Calendar shows the date whereas the clock shows the time set in the computer. It is possible to make changes on them.
How to change Date?
To change the computer's Date follow these steps:
Step 1: Double click the Clock On the System Tray.
Step 2: The Date and Time Properties dialog box appears.
Step 3: Click on the month list to change the month, and then click the correct month.
Step 4: Click on the arrows in the year list to change the year, or type the correct month.
Step 5: Click on the correct day on calendar to change the day.
Step 6: Click on OK or Apply button to apply the changes done by you.
How to change Time?
To change the computer's Time follow these steps:
Step 1: Double click the Clock on System Tray.
Step 2: The Date and Time Properties dialog box appears.
Step 3: To change the hour, select the hour, and then click the arrows to increase or decrease the value.
Step 4: Similarly change the minutes and seconds.
Step 5: Change the AM/PM indicator, by clicking the arrows.
Step 6: Click on OK or Apply button to apply the changes done by you.
Let's Recall
1. Windows is an Operating System.
2. Desktop is the workspace area of the computer that appears after loading the Windows.
3. My Documents shows the documents that have been created and saved on the computer.
4. Recycle Bin contains files and folders that have been deleted from computer.
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